
Grapeseed Unit 17

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  • What present do you want for your birthday?
    I want (a/an) ____________ for my birthday!
  • Can you remember your dream? What was it about?
    Yes, I remember my dream. It was about _______./No, I don't remember my dream.
  • What should you take camping?
    I should take (a) ___________ and (a) _________ camping!
  • Have you ever seen a firefly?
    Yes I have seen a firefly before./No I have never seen a firefly before.
  • What grows on trees?
    ________ grow on trees!
  • Where do you want to go with your grandfather?
    I want to go to the ________
  • Is it dark outside?
    No. it's not. It is bright today./Yes it is a little bit dark today, the weather is cloudy/gloomy.
  • Do you think you should eat candy all day long?
    No, I shouldn't. I should not eat candy all day.
  • What would you like to give to your friend? Why?
    I would like to give (an/a) __________ to my friend. Because I think _______
  • What are you scared of?
    I am scared of (a) _______./ I am not scared of anything.