
In your free time (TT 6 - U1)

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  • You can see people doing this in a circus. To do it well, you need to practice a lot.
    It's juggle
  • Some people to this with stamps, stickers or postcards
    It's collect things
  • To do this you need to be creative and good at using your hands.
    It's make things
  • To do this you need a board, but you don't need any dice. You need a king and a queen.
    It's playing chess
  • You do this if you have a favorite singer or band
    It's go to concerts
  • You can do this in newspapers or on a computer. Sodoku and crosswords are two examples.
    It's do puzzles
  • To do this you need to be musical and have a good sense of rythm.
    It's play the drums
  • You can do this on the beach or next to a river. You need a fishing rod.
    It's go fishing
  • When you do this, you can find information about everything in the world.
    It's use the internet
  • When you do this you learn to speak, listen, read and write better
    It's practise a foreign language