
Perspective taking-KH

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  • How is this woman feeling? What clues told you that?
    She is feeling nervous. She is biting her nails and her forehead is wrinkling. She is looking away.
  • How are these people feeling? What might they be thinking?
    They are feeling happy. They are hoping to win the video game.
  • What is this person thinking?
    I am confused.
  • How is this woman feeling? How do you know?
    She feels sick. I can tell because she is in bed. She is not smiling. There is medicine on her table.
  • How is this woman feeling? Why might she feel that way?
    She is afraid. She might be watching a scary movie.
  • What is this baby crying?
    He could be hungry, tired or feeling sick.
  • What is this woman thinking?
    She is thinking that she is very stressed about something at work.
  • What is this man thinking? How do you know?
    He is bored. You can tell because he is staring and holding his head in his hands.
  • What is the child thinking?
    He is thinking that the sheep is really cool. He would like to feed it.
  • Why are they laughing?
    They could be laughing at a funny video or text message.
  • What is this boy thinking?
    Yuck! I don't want to eat this!
  • How does the baby feel about the pasta he just ate?
    He loves the pasta and had fun eating it!
  • What is this man thinking?
    I can't believe my car is broken! / I need help to fix my car.
  • How is this woman feeling and why?
    She is very tired because she just woke up. She might have stayed up late last night. 
  • What is the person who dropped this vase thinking?
    She could be upset that she broke her vase. She could be thinking about how to clean it up. She could be worried that she will get in trouble for breaking it.
  • What is this boy thinking?
    Ouch! My knee hurts. / I am thankful that my Dad could help me.
  • What is this woman thinking?
    This hamburger is going to be good!
  • What is the woman in the blue shirt thinking?
    I need to get the ball away from her!
  • What is happening in this picture and how do they feel?
    They are having an argument. They are very angry or frustrated with each other.
  • How are these children feeling?
    They are excited. It might be their first day of school.
  • How is this man feeling? Why could he be feeling that way?
    He is excited. He received good news. / He won a contest.
  • How is this man feeling? Why is he feeling that way? 
    He is feeling very angry and wants his food. He is hangry!
  • How do these kids feel about doing chores? How can you tell?
    The kids do not like doing chores and are mad. You can tell because they are not smiling. Their eyebrows are down and wrinkled.
  • What is this man thinking?
    I can't believe I forgot my umbrella! / I am cold and wet.