
Reach D-1 Unit 1 Super Review!

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  • Where was Joseph Lekuton born?
    He was born in Kenya.
  • What did Don Carlos learn at the end of the story?
    He realized that more is not always better.
  • Vocabulary - What word means, "when you know what something means"?
    That word is "understand."
  • How did Jeremy help Antonio?
    Jeremy gave Antonio his pair of shoes.
  • What does Henry Winkler do to help people today?
    He visits schools to tell children his story about dyslexia.
  • What did Joseph become when he grew up?
    He became a teacher.
  • What is "dyslexia"?
    It is a learning problem that makes it hard to read, write, and to do math.
  • Vocabulary - What word means, "when you are nice to someone."
    That word is "kindness."
  • What city did Henry Winkler grow up in?
    He grew up in New York City.
  • How much did "those shoes" cost at the thrift store?
    They cost $2.50.
  • What is the main idea of all the stories we have read?
    The main idea is about helping others.
  • Who gave Jeremy the shoes with a cartoon animal on them?
    Mr. Alfrey gave Jeremy the cartoon shoes.
  • Henry Winkler wasn't good at school, but he had a good sense of ____.
  • What do the Maasai people do?
    They take care of cattle.
  • In "Guardian Angel," what did the girl do the help the boy?
    She held his hand so he wasn't lonely anymore.
  • What do you call a store that sells used clothes?
    You call it a thrift store.
  • What was Alonzo's idea for scaring away the pigs?
    He made loud sounds with instruments to scare the pigs away.
  • Who was the first boy to get the black high-tops?
    Brandon T. was the first boy to get the black high-tops.
  • Fill-in-the-Blank: "The more children we can educate, the _____ ______ _____ _____ in Africa."
    "The more children we can educate, the fewer problems we'll have in Africa."
  • Vocabulary - What word means, "when you really care about something."
    That word is "value."
  • Why did Joseph's brother hide in a hyena hole?
    He hid because he did not want to go to school.
  • What kind of test was Henry Winkler studying for in the story?
    He was studying for a spelling test.
  • What is a guardian angel?
    A guardian angel is a kind, helpful person.
  • What did Don Carlos want to add to the restaurant menu?
    He wanted to add snails.
  • What is Henry Winkler best known for?
    He is best known for playing a character on TV.