
NJ Symbols Review

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  • What is the official background color of our flag?
  • What does the shield represent?
    Sovereignty and strength
  • What is our state tree?
    Red Oak
  • Liberty is holding a ____________________ that represents ____________.
    Staff with a freedom cap, freedom
  • What is NJ's state animal? And, for full points, you must do an impression of the animal to the class.
    Horse (students must neigh)
  • What are the names of the two women on our flag?
    Liberty (left) and Ceres (right)
  • Why was the finding of this dinosaur so important?
    Answers will vary. Teacher will check.
  • What color are the leaves on a red oak during summer and what color are they during fall?
    Summer: green, Fall: red
  • What items drop from the Red Oak and what are they used for?
    Acorns drop from Red Oaks and provide a food source for deer and squirrels
  • What is New Jersey’s nickname? Why did it get this nickname?
    Answers will vary. Teacher will check.
  • What do the plows represent for the state of NJ?
    The plows represent the importance of agriculture to our great state
  • How many plows are there in the middle of the shield?
    3 plows
  • Why is a horse our NJ state animal?
    Horses were very important to NJ "back in the day" because of farming. Today, we use machines to other technology to help us farm. But back then, we relied on t
  • What is the nickname for NJ's state flower?
    "The Jersey Gem"
  • What is NJ's state insect?
  • What is NJ's state fruit and how did it officially become our state fruit?
    The blueberry! A group of students from Veteran's Memorial School campaigned and made it our official fruit!
  • What animal head is located at the top of NJ's flag?
    Horse head
  • What 2 items are Liberty holding?
    She is holding a staff that is topped with the liberty cap
  • What town in NJ was Haddy's remains found?
    Haddonfield, NJ
  • What are the items in the middle of the shield called?
  • TRUE OR FALSE: The NJ state bird is on the flag.
  • What does a paleontologist do?
    Paleontologists study dinosaurs and fossils from prehistoric times.
  • TRUE OR FALSE: The vibrant, more colorful Eastern Goldfinch is the female.
    False! The males have more vibrant, brighter yellow/black/white colors
  • What is NJ's state bird?
    The Eastern Goldfinch (or American Goldfinch)
  • What is the job of the NJ state insect?
    Honeybees pollinate flowers and make honey and beeswax.
  • What item is Ceres holding in her hand?
    A cornucopia
  • What is New Jersey's nickname?
    The Garden State
  • Right above the shield is a ____________________ that represents New Jersey’s sovereignty and strength.
  • The date on the seal is ____________________ .
  • What is our state motto?
    Liberty and Prosperity
  • What is the name of NJ's state dinosaur?