
Review Flu 4 - units 7-8-9

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  • Tell the weather forecast for tomorrow according to some news you read or heard (reported speech)
    Cléo Kuhn said/reported/mentions that tomorrow it would rain....
  • Choose one of these words lifecaster, clickbait, geotag, lurker and talk for 60 seconds
    p. 68. Unit 7.2
  • How can we have a work x life balance ? Make three suggestions
    You should take some time to...
  • Tell the group about an old rule that changed nowadays.
    Women weren't allowed to...., children were obliged to....,
  • Tell three permissions in a movie theater (don't use can, must or have to)
    Subject + Is/Are allowed to....
  • Complete the sentence : If I had a million dollars....
    I would + verb
  • Do you have any regrets ? What do you wish it hadn't happened ?
    I wish I had + participle....
  • what do you wish you could to this weekend ?
    I wish I could+verb
  • Tell Three prohibitions related to COVID19 pandemics (don't use can't, mustn't )
    person+not allowed to...../forbidden to/prohibited to...
  • Tell a wish you want for the future
    I wish people had.....
  • Make three generalizations about anything you want (use expressions from 9.3)
    generally speaking, in the whole, tend to....
  • Tell the group something you might or might not do next year....
    I´m not sure/I think, Maybe in the future I might....
  • Tell the group any news you read/heard using reported speech (don't use said or told)
    cnn mentioned that...
  • Name three obligations during online classes (don't use can, must, or have to)
    person+ is/are required to/ obliged to
  • Complete the reported question " TEACHER : - Did you do your homework ?" - THE TEACHER ASKED ............
  • Give three tips for a digital detox.
    free answer. Unit 7
  • Complete the sentence: If I changed gender for a day....
    I would + verb