
S2A - Physical appearance

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  • He has Blond hair OR He has brown hair
    He has blond hair
  • Describe this man
    He is tall, with short, black hair
  • What does his hair look like?
    He has short, spiky blond hair
  • How big is he?
    He is short
  • I'm 12 years old OR I 12 years old
    I'm 12 years old
  • She has freckles OR She has braces
    She has freckles
  • What does her hair look like?
    She has short, straight, brown hair
  • What kind of hair does she have?
    She has long, curly, red hair
  • She is braces OR She has braces
    She has braces
  • My eyes blue OR My eyes are blue
    My eyes are blue
  • Describe this woman
    She is short, with straight, black hair
  • I have tall OR I am tall
    I am tall
  • He has a moustache Or He has a beard
    He has a moustache
  • He has a short, brown beard OR He has a long, brown beard
    He has a long, brown beard
  • I have long, wavy, blond hair OR I have long, wavy, brown hair
    I have long, wavy, brown hair