
Prepare 4 Unit 2

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  • 7. The rain was heavy all weekend. It rained _____
  • 4. The maths test was really easy. I finished it __________
  • 1. My sister is much smaller than me so her clothes are too loose / tight on me.
  • 2. I __________________ (not go) to bed late last night.
    didn’t go
  • 3. My dad doesn’t need to wear a jacket and tie at work. Everyone is quite casual / smart.
  • 6. A: How many photos ________ your dad ________? B: I think he took about 100!
    did ______ take
  • 1. Dad was very angry with us. He spoke to us .....
  • 1. In the 1980s, my parents __________________ (listen) to hip-hop.
  • 3. She’s brilliant at drawing. She can ___
  • 2. His trainers are white and very clean. They must be brand new / second-hand.
    brand new
  • 4. My cousin wore an old top and dirty trainers to the party. He was well-dressed / badly-dressed.
  • 5. Be careful with those eggs! Hold them _________
  • 8. A: What ________ you ________ to your teacher when she left your school? B: We gave her a top with our photo on it.
    did you give
  • 8. I’m really bad at cooking. I cook very ______
  • 6. When I was ill, I didn’t eat much and I got too trendy / skinny.
  • 8. When I bought this second-hand / brand new raincoat, I found bus tickets from the 1990s in the pockets.
  • 7. A: ________ Gareth ________ you his new sweatshirt? B: No, he didn’t but he showed me his new sunglasses – they’re cool!
    Did ______ show
  • 3. A: ________ you ________ TV last night? B: Yes, I did. I watched a film.
    Did you watch
  • 4. A: ________ you ________ David at the weekend? B: No, I didn’t see anyone.
    Did ____ see
  • 7. My history teacher isn’t interested in new clothes or looking good. He’s quite fashionable / unfashionable.
  • 2. My best friend’s a fast runner. He runs ___
  • 6. My sister is good at singing. She sings very _____
  • 3. We __________________ (not have) maths today because the teacher was ill.
    didn’t have
  • 2. A: What sports ________ you and your friends ________ on Saturday? B: We played football and tennis.
    did _____ play
  • 1. A: Where ________ you ________ yesterday? B: I went to the beach.
    did you go
  • 5. These boots are too small for me. They’re very comfortable / uncomfortable.
  • 5. A: What ________ your brother ________ for his birthday? B: He got some clothes, a new game and some money.
    did _____ get