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  • 请写出✍️ zhōng qiū两个字。
  • 中秋节又叫什么?What is another name of 中秋节?
    团圆节 tuán yuán jié
  • 中秋节的传统食物是什么? What is the traditional food of Moon Festival?
    月饼 yuè bǐng
  • 他叫什么名字?
    后羿 Hòu yì
  • 中秋节的时候,人们会喝什么酒??
    桂花酒 guì huā jiǔ
  • 为什么吴刚在月亮上不停地砍树?Why does 吴刚 keep cutting down trees on the moon?
    因为他学东西没有耐性。 Because he has no patience to learn things.
  • 谁在月亮上砍桂树? Who is cutting the cassia tree on the moon?
    吴刚 wú gāng
  • 他们在做什么?What are they doing?
    挂灯笼 guà dēng lóng
  • 在嫦娥奔月的故事里,天上有几个太阳?According to the story 嫦娥奔月, how many suns were there in the sky?
    十个 Ten
  • How do you say Mid-Autumn Festival in Chinese?
    中秋节 zhōng qiū jié
  • 她叫什么名字?
    嫦娥 Cháng'é
  • 中秋节是几月几号?
  • 今天几月几号?What date is it today?
  • 玉兔住在哪里? Where does Jade rabbit live?
    广寒宫 guǎng hán gōng
  • 在《玉兔捣药》的故事里,神仙变成了什么? What did the god turn into in the story of 玉兔捣药?
    乞丐 qǐ gài
  • 用一个词语描述图片。Describe the picture with one word.
    拜月 bài yuè
  • 王母娘娘给了后羿什么礼物?? What gift did the Queen of Heaven give to Houyi?
    长生药 cháng shēng yào
  • 用一个词语描述图片。Describe the picture with one word.
    赏月 shǎng yuè