
Fundraising ideas

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  • What's the fundraising idea?
    make a charity CD
  • Do you have any spare money to give? I'm ________ ________ for charity.
    collecting money
  • What's the fundraising idea?
    sell sweets
  • What's the fundraising idea?
    wash cars
  • What's the fundraising idea?
    Collect money
  • What's the fundraising idea?
    have a bring and buy sale
  • What's the fundraising idea?
    sell badges
  • Complete the sentence in the present perfect: I (not sell) badges for charity
    I haven't sold badges for charity
  • What's the fundraising idea?
    organize a jumble sale
  • Complete the sentence in the present perfect: She (organize) a charity concert
    She has organized a charity concert
  • Complete the sentence in the present perfect: I (do) lots of sponsored runs
    I have done lots of sponsored runs
  • What's the fundraising idea?
    do a sponsored swim
  • What's the fundraising idea?
    organize a concert
  • What's the fundraising idea?
    sell raffle tickets
  • We washed ______ to raise money for charity