
EAP Memory

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  • Who has a better memory : men or women?
  • Depending on technology and devices has had what kind of impact on our memory?
    our internal memory isn't as good as it used to be before technology (rely on devices to remind us)
  • What's the expression we use to describe someone with a bad memory?
    has/have a memory like a sieve
  • Name 4 ways to talk about something that you didn't complete in the past
    was going to / was supposed to / would have / was about to...
  • What expression do we use when we can't recall something that we normally know.
    My mind's gone blank.
  • Name 6 homonyms
    students' answers (spelt and pronounced the same but with different meanings)
  • a type of teaching/learning through repetition and memorisation instead of comprehension
    rote learning
  • Name at least 6 ways to improve your memory
    getting enough sleep/chunking/exams/left-handed/close your eyes/being outside/exercise/
  • to simply repeat information without fully processing or understanding it
  • What's a synonym for 'learn' starting with an 'a'
  • Psychologists call the technology we use to store information our .....
    external memory
  • How many new items of information is the average person able to retain in their short term memory in one session?
    4 - 7
  • a word that means to study intensively for an exam over a short period of time
    to cram for an exam