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  • A woman shoots her husband, then holds him underwater for five minutes. next, she hangs him. Right after they enjoy a lovely dinner. Explain how.
    She took a pic and developed it in her dark room.
  • What kind of table doesn't have legs?
    A vegetable
  • I'm tall when I'm young, and short when I'm old. What am I?
    A candle
  • I have keys, but no lock. I have space but no room. you can enter, but can't leave. What am I?
    A keyboard
  • What kind of dog never bites?
    A hot dog
  • What can you catch, but can't throw?
    A cold
  • I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water but no fish. What am I?
    A map
  • You can break me even if you never touch me, what am I?
    A promise
  • What has 4 legs and can't walk?
    a table
  • What room do ghosts avoid?
    The living room
  • What kind of cup doesn't hold water?
    A cupcake
  • I make two people out of one. What am I?
    A mirror
  • You walk into a room. There's a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. What would you light first?
    The match
  • What is never used until it's broken?
    An egg
  • Re-arrange the letters O O U S W T D N E J R to spell just one word. What is it?
    Just one word
  • What month of the year has 28 days?
    All of them