
Pathfinder Quiz

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  • Mrs. Holt introduced two programs, the Comrade Band and what?
    Friend and Companion Levels
  • What does the white and blue stand for in the Pathfinder emblem?
    Purity, Loyalty
  • Recite the Pathfinder Law
    Keep the morning watch. Do my honest part. Care for my body. Keep a level eye. Be courteous and obedient. Walk softly in the sanctuary.
  • What is the Pathfinder's motto?
    "The love of Christ compels me"
  • Who is the current Pathfinder Director?: Andres Peralta or Andres Perez?
    Andres Peralta
  • If the three sides of the pathfinder logo means Trinity, what does it mean by the sword?
  • What is the name of the club that is designed for children?
    Adventurer Club
  • What is the title of the Pathfinder song?
    Oh, We Are The Pathfinders Strong
  • what is this position in pathfinder command?
    hand salute/present arms
  • Complete the song lyrics: Oh we are the Pathfinders _______. The ______ of God are we. ________ as we ______ along, in kindness, ______ and _____.
    Strong, servants, faithful,march, truth, purity
  • Who created the Pathfinder flag?
    Helen Hobbs
  • To be a master guide, I need to be a baptized member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. True or False.
  • the JMV Society turned into today's Pathfinder Club.True or false?
  • When did the Pathfinder Club begin, August 24, 1950 or August 24, 1949?
    August 24, 1950
  • Give a statement or the principle in hiking
    take nothing but pic/bring nothing but memories/leave nothing but foot prints
  • What does the red and gold stand for in the Pathfinder emblem?
    Sacrifice, Excellence
  • What is the theme for this 71st's World Pathfinder Day Celebration?
  • What was the original name for the Pathfinder club?
    What was the original name for the Pathfinder club?
  • Recite the Pathfinder pledge.
    By the grace of God, I will be pure and kind and true. I will keep the pathfinder law. I will be the servant of God and a friend man.
  • Who should wear this neckerchief?
  • who launched a club called "Trailblazers" in 1942?
    who launched a club called "Trailblazers" in 1942?
  • Is this the logo of a master guide? Yes or No