
Context Clues Gr. 5

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  • "Michael is very energetic. He can run miles before getting tired." What does energetic mean? a. an athlete b. sleepy c. lazy d. full of energy
    d. full of energy
  • "Kelsey was sick, her voice was almost inaudible. We had to lean forward to hear her." What does inaudible mean? a. very loud, easy to hear b. very strange c. very soft, hard to hear d. very annoying
    c. very soft, hard to hear
  • "After having no food for 2 days, the man was very feeble. He could barely stand up." What does "feeble" mean? a. likable b. hungry c. weak d. thin
    c. weak
  • Bill is such a courteous young man. He always says 'please' and 'thank you.' What does "courteous" mean? a. rude b. amazing c. energetic d. having good manners, polite
    d. having good manners, polite
  • "The ruthless king let his servants go hungry." What does "ruthless" mean? a. cruel b. kind c. useless d. compassionate
    a. cruel
  • "I'm really hungry! That cracker didn't appease my hunger. I want a sandwich now." What does appease mean? a. anger b. increase c. satisfy d. confuse
    c. satisfy
  • "We weren't sure if the berries were edible, but then we noticed another group of campers eating them." What does "edible" mean? a. sweet b. delicious c. poisonous d. able to be eaten
    d. able to be eaten
  • "After the harvest, we had an abundant amount of apples. We had so many apples!" What does abundant mean? a. a shortage b. not enough c. very green d. a lot -- almost too much
    d. a lot -- almost too much
  • "The bear was sluggish after the long winter of hibernation. Her cubs had no trouble keeping up with her." What does "sluggish" mean? a. hungry b. slow c. cold d. thirsty
    b. slow
  • "The twinkling Christmas lights illuminated the dark sky. It was almost as bright as day!" What does "illuminated" mean? a. glitter b. lighten up c. to cover d. to darken
    b. lighten up
  • "The plane kept descending until it reached the ground." What does descending mean? a. rising b. shaking c. titling d. moving down
    d. moving down
  • "I am craving chocolate. I just can't stop thinking about getting my hands on some!" What does "craving" mean? a. longing for b. dark c. resisting d. enjoying
    a. longing for
  • "The men are very industrious. They always work until they accomplish their goal." What does industrious mean? a. hard-working b. lazy c. clever d. crazy
    a. hard working
  • "Cars should always allow a pedestrian to cross the street so that no one gets hurt." What does "pedestrian" mean? a. a person on foot b. an injured animal c. a bike rider d. a bus
    a. a person on foot
  • "The aroma of a fresh baked pie lingered in the kitchen and made my stomach growl." What does "aroma" mean? a. taste b. feeling c. smell d. apples
    c. smell
  • "My absent-minded teacher loses his keys and pencil almost every day!" What does absent-minded mean? a. be hateful b. forgetful c. intelligent d. careful
    b. forgetful
  • "The island was desolate. The only sound that was heard was the wind." What does "desolate" mean? a. loud b. lonesome c. scary d. hot
    b. lonesome
  • "Melissa has so many friends because she is a gregarious person." What does "gregarious" mean? a. lonely b. shy, quiet c. friendly, outgoing d. rude
    c. friendly, outgoing
  • "The eagle soared above the mountain tops." What does "soared" mean? a. to swim b. to skip c. to fly low d. to fly high
    d. to fly high
  • "My family hates the frigid weather in January." What does frigid mean? a. warm b. cold c. still d. painful
    b. cold
  • "My son and his two companions love playing games. They are always happy to play together!" What does companions mean? a. jokes b. enemies c. friends d. games
    c. friends