
Early World Civilizations

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  • Name one pharaoh of Ancient Egypt
    Pharaoh Djoser, Khufu, Tut, Khafre, and Hatshepsut
  • Which civilization had the hanging gardens of Babylon? Mesopotamia or Egypt?
  • How did the pyramids get built? (2 steps)
    1. Cut blocks from mountains 2. Used manpower and rope to pull them up ramps of the pyramid
  • What did Ancient Egypt's gods and goddesses look like?
    Human bodies and animal faces
  • Which civilization built pyramids for important people? Mesopotamia or Egypt?
  • Why "gifts" did the rivers give people?
    Trade, crops, clay for pots, food
  • What would the civilization write on?
    Stone/clay tablets, papyrus, or wood
  • Where was King Tut's tomb found? Egypt or Mesopotamia?
  • Ancient Egypt was by which river?
    Nile River
  • What is a pharaoh?
    A strong leader, or king.
  • What was the name of the writing in Mesopotamia?
  • What does the sphinx look like?
    Head of a pharaoh, body of a lion
  • What was the name of the writing in Ancient Egypt?
  • What did ancient civilizations write about?
    History, records, and stories
  • What does an archeologist do?
    Uncover parts of the ancient city to learn about the way people lived long ago
  • Mesopotamia was by which rivers?
    Euphrates and Tigris