
Social Consequences

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  • You friend is always telling jokes. You tell him that you appreciate his sense of humor. What might he do?
    Say thank you, probably keep telling jokes to make you laugh. Feel appreciated.
  • Your parent got you a new shirt. You said "thank you for getting me the shirt". How might your parent respond?
    They may say you're welcome. They are more likely to get you things in the future because you showed appreciation.
  • Your friend asked you how you thought he did in the game last night. You told him the things you noticed that were good. What might he feel?
    GOOD! So nice to get a compliment.
  • Your parent made a meal that you really like. You told them thank you and let them know it was your favorite meal. What might happen?
    You parent will feel appreciated, and they may make the meal more often.
  • You made plans to spend time with your friend Joe this weekend. Jacob invited you to do something on the same day.
    Consider how important the plan was for Joe. Let Jacob know you have plans. Consider making plans with Jacob another day.
  • You told your friend something in confidence. They told someone else. What do you do?
    Tell your friend that you were disappointed that they shared. Let them know you hope that they understand why you are upset, make it right.
  • You mentioned in class that you really liked snakes. The next week, your teacher brought you a book about snakes to read. What should you do?
    Say thank you so your teacher feel appreciated for doing something nice for you, and paying attention to things you like.
  • You borrowed a toy from your friend and lost it. They have a new toy and you are wanting to borrow that one.
    Apologize for losing the other toy. Ask if you can borrow the toy and tell them how you will keep it safe. Then, keep it safe if they say yes.
  • You agreed to take out the trash for your parents before you went to bed if you could finish your video game. You forgot. It's the next day and you want to play video games. What do you do?
    Take out the trash. Apologize. Consider taking the trash out before you get too far in your game next time.
  • You are hanging out with friends and have an idea of what you want to do. You chose what to do last time as well. What should you do? How might they feel if you choose again?
    Ask your friends if they have ideas about what they want to do. Let them know you have ideas, but that doesn't mean that's what you have to do together.
  • You friend was having a hard time with their Math. You offered to help them. How might they feel?
    Appreciated, cared about, acknowledged.
  • You friend has called you the last three days but you haven't answered. You want to call your friend today. What might you say? How might they feel?
    Acknowledge that you haven't answered. Explain if you can, or let them know you prefer texting; or tell them when a good time to call you would be.
  • Your teacher just finished read aloud in class. She asked questions about the story, and you don't know, because you weren't paying attention. What do you do?
    Be honest. Apologize. Think of something to do during next read aloud so you can pay attention.