
How long does it take?

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  • How long does it take to clean your bedroom?
    It takes me..
  • How long does it take to a Samsung phone to die forever?
    It takes around 6 to 7 years
  • How long does it take you to get dressed everyday?
    It takes me...
  • How long does it take to go from your house to Shopping da Ilha?
    It takes...
  • How long does it take to do your math homework?
    It takes me...
  • How long does it take to walk the Central Park completely?
    It takes around 4 to 5 hours
  • How long does it take to go from Brazil to Japan?
    It takes 24 hours
  • How long does it take to travel to the moon?
    It takes 3 days
  • How long does it take to wash your hair?
    It takes me...
  • How long does it take to brush your teeth?
    It takes me...
  • How long does it take for an Iphone to die forever?
    It takes 2 years
  • How long does it take to finish the game Legend of Zelda?
    It takes 46 hours
  • How long does it take for a football match to finish?
    It takes 2 hours
  • How long does it take to travel to Spain?
    It takes 10 hours
  • How long does it take to bake a cake?
    It takes 30 to 45 minutes