
ENA6 revision

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  • Translate into English: Tapaamme joka toinen viikko.
    We meet every other week/every second week/every two weeks.
  • Choose the correct alternative: My sister is engaged A) to B) with C) in a rock star!
    A) to
  • Choose the correct alternative: A) Economical B) Economic growth is slowing down.
    B) Economic = talous-, talouteen liittyvä; economical = taloudellinen, säästäväinen
  • Choose the correct alternative: You had better A) finish B) to finish C) finishing the task on time!
    A) finish
  • What's RUMMAGE in Finnish?
    penkoa, myllätä
  • Explain DORMITORY in your own words in English.
    a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school or other institution; a building for university or college students to live in
  • Does the word PLUNGE describe growth or a downturn?
  • What's the opposite of DEMAND (noun)?
  • Translate into English: Käyn salilla aina silloin tällöin.
    I go to the gym every now and then/every once in a while.
  • Does the word SURGE describe growth or a downturn?
  • Translate into English: Kaikki ei ole kaupan.
    Not everything is for sale.
  • How do you say KORKO in English?
  • What's INCONVENIENCE in Finnish?
    vaivata, tuottaa vaivaa tai hankaluutta; epämukavuus, hankaluus
  • What's WARY OF in Finnish?
    varovainen, arka, varuillaan
  • Choose the correct alternative: Are you good A) with B) in C) at hula-hooping?
    C) at
  • What's FINANCIAL INCENTIVE in Finnish?
    rahallinen kannustin
  • What does PUT OFF mean in Finnish?
    lykätä, siirtää myöhemmäksi
  • Explain LITTERED WITH in your own words in English.
    to be full of something
  • Choose the correct alternative: People were angry A) with B) about C) at the rise in school fees.
    B) about
  • Explain MORTGAGE in your own words in English.
    a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular number of years
  • Translate into English: Toiset pitävät luistelusta, toiset hiihdosta.
    Some (people) like skating, others skiing.
  • What's AVOIMET TYÖPAIKAT in English?
    (job) vacancies
  • Choose the correct alternative: I've always been interested A) about B) of C) in Mars.
    C) in
  • Choose the correct alternative: The other day I heard someone A) say B) to say C) saying that the current economic system is unsustainable.
    A) say
  • How do you say NOSTAA RAHAA in English?
    withdraw money
  • What's TO COVET in Finnish?
    ahnehtia, haluta, himoita
  • What's TO IMPLEMENT in Finnish?
    toteutttaa, panna täytäntöön
  • What's PRONE TO in Finnish?
    altis jollekin
  • Choose the correct alternative: I'm busy A) do B) to do C) doing my homework.
    C) doing
  • What's AUSTERITY in Finnish?
    säästöt, tiukka taloudenpito
  • What's TUITION FEE in FInnish?
  • If you make money HAND OVER FIST, how do you make money?
    You make money FAST
  • How do you say VAKITUINEN TYÖPAIKKA in English?
    permanent post/position/job
  • How do you say SUORITTAA PÄÄSYKOE in English?
    take an entrance exam