
Worldwide travel quiz

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  • What is the average percentage of salt in the Dead Sea? 33% // 24% // 21%
  • Which pink flower that grows on trees brings thousands of visitors to Japan annually when in full bloom?
    Cherry Blossom
  • What percentage of the earth is water?
  • Which country is made up of 180,000 islands?
  • To the closest million, how many meters long is the Great Wall of China? 17 million meters // 21 million meters // 24 million meters
    21 million meters
  • True or false: It is unheard of in Italy to eat chicken with pasta?
  • True or false, the North Pole has no land?
    True – it instead is a sheet of ice that floats on top of the sea
  • Which country was the Lord Of The Rings trilogy filmed in?
    New Zealand
  • What’s the name of the famous clock tower in London? St Stephen’s tower // Big Ben // Elizabeth Tower // The Victoria Tower
    Big Ben
  • What country’s flag is white with a big red circle?
  • Which continent is the only one to not have ants?
  • How high is Mount Everest? (Hint: Think carefully about what would be a reasonable answer for the world’s highest mountain) 1550m // 2900m // 8848m // 24,600m
  • What is Europe’s most mountainous country?
  • What is the largest country in South America?
  • Which of these is the tallest? The Shard, London // Tokyo Skytree, Tokyo // Burj Khalifa, Dubai // Ostankino Tower, Moscow
    Burj Khalifa, Dubai
  • Which Greek God has been immortalized in a statue that you can visit in Olympia?
  • Which city’s police force drive Ferrari FF, Lamborghinis, Mercedes, Aston Martins and other exotic sport cars?
  • In which country is the ‘thumbs up’ gesture considered a great insult?
    Iran – it means ‘sit on this’
  • Name three of the top five spoken languages in the world.
    Mandarin, English, Hindustani, Arabic, Spanish