
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

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  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    T - ten
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    R - run
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    A - ant
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    V - van
  • What sound does this letter make?
    X - box
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    K - kit
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    L - lip
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    O - old
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    N - nut
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    I - ill
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    Z - zip
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    J - jam
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    P - pig
  • What sound does this letter make?
    Y - yellow
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    D- dog
  • What sound does this letter make?
    U - umbrella
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    M - men
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    G - gum
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    C - cat
  • What sound does this letter make?
    W - Watch
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    H - hat
  • What sound does this letter make?
    Q - question
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    S - sun
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    F - fish
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    E - egg
  • What sound does this letter make? Can you read the word?
    B - bat