
Comparative Adverbs As...As

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  • The children are playing happily. The adults are, too. The adults...
    The adults are playing as happily as the children.
  • Ms. Web teaches seriously. So does Tr. Jojo. Tr. Jojo...
    Tr. Jojo teaches as seriously as Ms. Web.
  • Todd will use the scissors safely. So will Jeff. Jeff...
    Jeff will use the scissors as safely as Todd.
  • My mother speaks politely. My father does, too. My father...
    My father speaks as politely as my mother.
  • We do our homework quickly, but they are a little slow. They...
    They don't do their homework as quickly as we.
  • Does she play the violin as badly as you do? (No)
    No, she doesn't play the violin as badly as I do.
  • The cat runs fast, but the rat runs faster. The cat...
    The cat doesn't run as fast as the rat.
  • Do they play the piano as well as he does? (No)
    No, they don't play the piano as well as he does.
  • My dad drives carelessly, but my mom is a more careful driver. My mom...
    My mom doesnt drive as carelessly as my father.
  • Do you laugh as wickedly as she does? (No)
    No, I don't laugh as wickedly as she does.
  • Does he dance as gracefully as she does? (No)
    No, he doesn't dance as gracefully as she does.
  • I baked a cake successfully, but my friend's cake wasn't very delicious. My friend...
    My friend didn't bake a cake as successfully as I.
  • Alan will wake up at 9:00 am. Robin will wake up at 11:00 am. Alan...
    Alan won't wake up as late as Robin.
  • Ted will study hard, but Matt will study harder. Ted...
    Ted won't study as hard as Matt.
  • Do you whistle as terribly as he does? (Yes)
    Yes, I whistle as terribly as he does.
  • Max threw the ball 75m. Ray threw the ball 68m. Ray...
    Ray didn't throw the ball as far as Max.
  • Sara studies diligently, but Angel can be lazy at times. Angel...
    Angel doesn't study as diligently as Sara.
  • Tom plays chess wisely, but Bob is somewhat careless. Bob...
    Bob doesn't play chess as wisely as Tom.
  • Does he act as superbly as you do? (Yes)
    Yes, he acts as superbly as I do.
  • Mandy sings well. So does Mary. Mary...
    Mary sings as well as Mandy.
  • Does she sing as beautifully as he does? (Yes)
    Yes, she sings as beautifully as he does.
  • May jumped 35cm. Sue did, too. Sue...
    Sue jumped as high as May.
  • Ben wakes up early. His dog does, too. Ben's dog...
    Ben's dog wakes up as early as Ben.
  • My parents live simply. My grandparents do, too. My grandparents...
    My grandparents live as simply as my parents.
  • Tr. Anya teaches patiently, but Tr. Ron gets mad easily. Tr. Ron...
    Tr. Ron doesn't teach as patiently as Tr. Anya.
  • My sister speaks impolitely, but my brother seldom does. My brother...
    My brother doesn't speak as impolitely as my sister.
  • The man speaks English confidently. So does the woman. The woman...
    The woman speaks English as confidently as the man.
  • The girl played the piano badly. So did the boy. The boy...
    The boy played the piano as badly as the girl.
  • Do you dress as elegantly as they do? (Yes)
    Yes, I dress as elegantly as they do.