
Vocabulary from March Classes

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  • "Trigger" means A) to start something b) The part of a gun that starts the shot c) A famous horse d) all of the above
  • What is the shortest day of the year?
    Dec 21
  • What is you favorite kind of weather? Why?
    My favorite season is Summer because there is no school.
  • Where is the Sahara desert? What is the weather like there?
  • Where is the Sahara desert?
    It is in North Africa.
  • What does "having 40 winks" mean? A) Chatting by Video B) An online class C) Sleeping
    c) Sleeping
  • What is a "stormchaser."
  • "Booze" is a) The opposite of cheer leading. b) A zoo where all the animal names begin with the letter b c) Alcoholic drinks
  • What does "quarantine" mean. A) 25% of teenagers B) a place of period of isolation C) an infectious disease
    b) A place or period of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed
  • "Originate" means a) To come from b) to change the color to orange c) to immigrate to another area
    a) to come from
  • What does "quarantine" mean. A) 25% of teenagers B) a place of period of isolation C) an infectious disease
    b) A place or period of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed
  • Where were you born?
    I was born in Thailand.
  • "Isolation" means a) I am so late b) sore eyes c) being alone or separated d) an iced latte
  • What did you do yesterday?
    I studied English.
  • Name 4 types of weather
    sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy. snowy, cold, breezy, frigid,
  • What is a curfew?
    A time period where movement is restricted or prohibited
  • What is the weather like where you are now?
  • Name two types of storms with strong winds
    Hurricane, typhoon, tornado, depression, gale, blizzard
  • What did you do last night?
    I played video games?
  • Name 2 types of precipitation
    rain, snow, sleet, hail
  • What is a "barrel"? A) A box b) a cylindrical container c) a bar in a college area d) An L with no clothes on
  • What is your least favorite kind of weather? Why is it your least favorite?
    I like rain because I can take a shower outside for free.
  • "Social distancing" means ?
  • Name four seasons
    hot, rainy, Cool, Winter, Summer, Fall, Autumn, Spring
  • Name one cause of climate change and something we can do to help?
  • What is "thunder."
  • Name two things you can do to prevent getting COVID-19?
    Wash your hands, stay at home, practice social distancing.
  • What does "skint" mean? a) Having no money b) having no sleep c) Having no skin D) having no friend
    a) No money