
Physical and Chemical Changes

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  • A bus travelled 50 km in 2 hours. The speed of the bus for that period is
  • A simple pendulum undergoes 10 oscillations in 5 seconds. The time period of the pendulum is
  • Ram took lime water in a bowl and blew air into the water using a straw. The lime water turned milky. Which gas turned water into milky colour?
    Carbon dioxide
  • Name the acid vinegar contains?
    Acetic Acid
  • Motion of your hands while running, Motion of a child on a see-saw and Motion of the hammer of an electric bell.
    Oscillatory motion
  • A simple pendulum undergoes 2 oscillations in 20 seconds. The time period of the pendulum is
  • A film of brownish substance on the iron articles left open in humid condition is called
  • Iron + Air + Water -->