
The birth of the modern world

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  • Luther defended the universal priesthood, in which all baptised people are priests. True or false?
  • To facilitate trade and payments.
    The bourgeoisie.
  • Why were bills of exchange created?
    To facilitate trade and payments.
  • What happened to the banking system in the mid-15th century?
    It grew.
  • What kind of monarchy appeared at the beginning of the modern age?
    The authoritarian monarchy.
  • What caused the increase in land cultivation and greater crop yield?
    A rise in demand.
  • In the 95 theses, Luther condemned the wealth of the Church, denied the value of indulgences and advocated a new religion. True or false?
  • Luther believed in salvation through faith; only faith in God could lead to eternal salvation. True or false?
  • It was started in Switzerland by John Calvin. It spread to France (Huguenots) and England (Puritans). In Scotland, John Knox founded the Presbyterian Church.
    Calvinist church
  • The Lutheran doctrine denied the sovereignty of the Pope, removed religious orders and the worship of images and reduced the sacraments to two. True or false?
  • the reform process carried out by the Catholic Church to stop the spread of Protestantism.
    The Counter-Reformation
  • He is considered to be one of the earliest humanists:
    Francesco Petrarca
  • The modern belief that human beings are at the centre of nature.
  • Luther believed that the Bible should only be read and interpreted by priests. True or false?
  • When was the Roman Inquisition created?
    In 1542.
  • Why did the population increase in the mid-15th century?
    Because the major epidemics disappeared and the birth rate increased.
  • During the 15th and 16th centuries, Europe went through a period of great economic and cultural dynamism. True or false?
  • Spices were highly prized in Europe, since they were needed to ...
    preserve food
  • Other than food preservation, spices were also used in...
    cooking and cosmetics
  • What was the name of the list of books banned by the Catholic Church?
    The Index Librorum Prohibitorum.
  • Humanism and the Baroque emerged in the 15th and 16th centuries. True or false?
  • A humanist who imagined an ideal society without social inequalities:
    Thomas More
  • The cause of this division of the Church was the Protestant Reformation. True or false?
  • A political scientist who described a model in which all actions were justified by reason of state:
    Niccolo Machiavelli
  • Luther nailed a list of 95 theses in favour of the Catholic faith and the church hierarchy to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517. True or false?
  • A cultural movement based on a new way of thinking that broke with medieval values and considered humans as free beings capable of rational thought.
  • What was the Inquisition?
    An ecclesiastical court.
  • Its ideas are based on predestination. Only a few people were predestined for salvation and the rest were condemned.
    Calvinist church
  • What was the name of the public trial to which those suspected of heresy were subjected?
    An auto-da-fé.
  • It began in England when the Pope would not allow King Henry VIII to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.
    Anglican church
  • What led to the rise in trade?
    Improvements in shipping.
  • At the beginning of the modern age, the Church underwent a major division. True or false?
  • The ideas of the founder of this church were supported by German princes and nobles who wanted to strengthen their authority against Emperor Charles V and the Pope.
    Lutheran church
  • What did the rise in trade lead to?
    An increase in the production of handmade goods, manufacturing and the growth of cities.
  • Certain spices were only found in ...
  • An artistic movement that began in the Modern Age in Western Europe and borrowed elements of classical Greek and Roman culture.
    The Renaissance
  • Why was the Inquisition created?
    To ensure that Protestantism did not spread to Catholic countries.
  • The Church hierarchy was submitted to the state, but some Catholic dogmas and rites were retained.
    Anglican church
  • A scientist who proposed the heliocentric theory (the Earth revolves around the Sun)
    Nicolaus Copernicus
  • The medieval belief that God is at the centre of the world.
  • Why was created the Council of Trent (1545-1563)?
    It was created to correct the errors of the Church and establish the rites and dogmas required of Catholics
  • Humanist and Renaissance ideals were a continuation of the main ideas of the Middle Ages. True or false?
  • In 1534, Henry VIII declared the Act of Supremacy, in which England was separated from Rome, and in doing so appointed himself supreme head of the Church of England.
    Anglican church