
PCA4 Unit 10a

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  • Look at the elephant facts. The adverbs and adverbial phrases are in the wrong place. Rewrite the sentences, putting the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the correct position. Add commas if necessary.
    However, they can move fast if they need to at speeds of up to forty kilometers per hour.
  • Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
    She absolutely loves listening to podcasts.
  • Look at the elephant facts. The adverbs and adverbial phrases are in the wrong place. Rewrite the sentences, putting the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the correct position. Add commas if necessary.
    Although they walk faster than us (approx. seven km/h), elephants still move around in a leisurely way.
  • Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
    In my opinion, we should postpone the meeting.
  • Look at the elephant facts. The adverbs and adverbial phrases are in the wrong place. Rewrite the sentences, putting the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the correct position. Add commas if necessary.
    In spite of their thick skin, elephants are extremely sensitive to touch and can feel a fly if it lands on them.
  • They either leave voluntarily or are pushed out.
    (leave) voluntarily (a)
  • One way or another, they don't remain long in the family group.
    long (c)
  • Which species treats other members of its group in a conservative way?
    in a considerate way (d)
  • Look at the elephant facts. The adverbs and adverbial phrases are in the wrong place. Rewrite the sentences, putting the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the correct position. Add commas if necessary.
    Elephants undoubtedly have excellent memories, which they use to remember the whereabouts of food and water.
  • Look at the elephant facts. The adverbs and adverbial phrases are in the wrong place. Rewrite the sentences, putting the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the correct position. Add commas if necessary.
    Typically, male elephants leave the herd when they become “teenagers” (or Male elephants typically leave the herd when they become “teenagers”).
  • Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
    Luckily, I was offered the job.
  • Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
    She probably won’t respond to my email.
  • Look at the elephant facts. The adverbs and adverbial phrases are in the wrong place. Rewrite the sentences, putting the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the correct position. Add commas if necessary.
    Elephants normally eat around 200 kilos of food a day.
  • Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
    He rarely buys a present for my birthday.
  • Look at the elephant facts. The adverbs and adverbial phrases are in the wrong place. Rewrite the sentences, putting the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the correct position. Add commas if necessary.
    Around fifty elephants are killed illegally (or illegally killed) every day for their ivory.
  • I mean, which animals are the most socially aware?
    socially aware (b)
  • Look at the elephant facts. The adverbs and adverbial phrases are in the wrong place. Rewrite the sentences, putting the adverbs or adverbial phrases in the correct position. Add commas if necessary.
    Technically, elephants do not “run” (or Elephants do not technically “run”) because they do not lift all feet off the ground at the same time.
  • Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
    My driving test didn’t go very well.