
Modal perfect

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  • I saw his car in front of the building. He ….. been here.
    Must have
  • 8) I ….. let you know what was happening but I forgot.
    Should have
  • A: James was at the party last night. B: He been. He's in Mexico.
    Can’t have
  • He ….. gone to Russia. He doesn't have a passport.
    Can’t have
  • I don't know why there weren't any buses yesterday. There ..… been a strike, but I'm really not sure.
    Could have
  • You ….. seen her. She was standing next to you.
    Must have
  • I explained it to her but she … misunderstood - my Japanese isn't very good.
    Might have
  • There was so much traffic. There ….. been an accident.
    Must have
  • Tom and Jack are so selfish - they ….. been there for you!
    Should have
  • We'll ask at the reception desk. Someone ….. handed the keys in.
    Must have