
Environment vocabulary

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  • habitat - sentence
    These policies are designed to combat the effects of climate change.
  • endangered - collocation
    critically, species,
  • man-made disasters - example
    train or plane accidents, dangerous materials spill, nuclear accident....
  • climate change - definition
    changes in the earth’s weather, including changes in temperature, wind patterns and rainfall, especially the increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphe
  • environment - adverb and collocation
    environmentally friendly, ....
  • veganism - definition
    the practice of not eating or using any animal products, including meat, milk, leather, wool, etc.
  • endangered - antonym (opposite)
  • endangered - sentence
    These orang-utans are critically endangered due to habitat loss.
  • ecosystem - definition
    all the living things in an environment and the complex relationship between each of them and that environment
  • conservation - collocation
    wildlife conservation, energy conservation, ....
  • natural disaster - example
    typhoon, tsumami, earthquake, flood,...
  • natural disaster - antonym
    man-made disaster
  • biodiversity - definition
    the existence of a large number of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment
  • deforestation - give definition
    the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area
  • emit - noun
  • pollute the environment - antonym
    protect the environment
  • pollute - noun
  • deforestation - make a sentence
    Deforestation is a major problem for the environment.
  • sustainable - collocation
    growth, development, communities,...
  • environment - adjective and collocation
    environmental problem, issue