
Early Republic Era (Review)

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  • The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions first introduced what idea?
    States rights
  • What does judicial review mean?
    the power of the Supreme Court to delcare acts of Congress or the president unconstitutional
  • What was the name of the protest by farmers in Pennsylvania in response to the taxes on whiskey? How did Washington respond?
    Whiskey Rebellion; Washington sent troops and in doing so demonstrated the power of the new government to enforce laws
  • What Supreme Court case established the Supreme Court's power of judicial review?
    Marbury vs. Madison
  • What Supreme Court case dealt with the issue of whether or not a state could tax the national government?
    McCulloch vs. Maryland
  • Who wrote the Star-Spangled Banner?
    Francis Scott Key
  • What was the purpose of the American System suggested by Henry Clay?
    to make the economy self-sufficient by having each region specialize in certain areas (ex. North-industry, South-cotton, West-food)
  • What law created the federal court system?
    Judiciary Act of 1789
  • What was the name of the people that demanded that the U.S. declare war against Great Britain in War of 1812?
    War Hawks
  • What kind of economy did the Federalists believe in?
    manufacturing (business and industry)
  • What were the components of Hamilton's Financial Plan?
    1. create a national bank 2. taxes on whiskey 3. tariffs
  • Who was president during the War of 1812?
    James Madison
  • What was the first attempt by a state to nullify a federal law?
    Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
  • Who was president during the Era of Good Feelings?
    James Monroe
  • Who was president during the XYZ Affair?
    John Adams
  • What is a precedent?
    An example that others follow
  • Who did the U.S. purchase Louisiana from and for how much?
    France for $15 million
  • What did the Treaty of Ghent do?
    it ended the War of 1812
  • What is a protective tariff?
    A tax on imported goods to protect American industry from foreign competition
  • What were some of the effects of the War of 1812?
    U.S. gained respect from Great Britain and other foreign nations, America industrialized, free trade for the U.S., sense of pride and nationalism
  • What part of the Constitution allowed the creation of the national government?
    the Elastic clause or the "necessary and proper" clause
  • Who saved the portrait of Geoge Washington during the War of 1812?
    Dolley Madison
  • What is the significance of 1803?
    Lousiana Purchase occurred
  • What laws were passed during John Adams' Presidency which gave the government the power to imprison or deport foreign citizens or those who criticized the government?
    Alien and Sedition Acts
  • Who became known as the hero of the Battle of New Orleans?
    Andrew Jackson
  • Who was the Native American woman who helped Lewis & Clark on their journey?
  • What kind of economy did the Democratic-Republicans believe in?
  • What foreign policy told European nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere?
    Monroe Doctrine
  • What was Jefferson's problem when it came to purchasing the Louisiana Territory?
    the issue that the Constitution didn't say the president had the power to purchase land from a foreign country
  • What amendment were the Alien & Sedition Acts violating?
    1st amendment
  • What were some of the causes of the War of 1812?
    1. impressment 2. freedom of the seas 3. British supplied Native Americans with weapons
  • What was Alexander Hamilton's role during Washington's presidency?
    He was the Secretary of Treasure responsible for creating the national bank
  • Which Supreme Court case ruling increased the power of the national government when it gave them control over interstate commerce?
    Gibbons vs. Ogden
  • What kind of interpretation of the Constitution did the Democratic-Republicans have?
    strict interpretation
  • What election ended in a tie before Thomas Jefferson was elected president?
    Election of 1800
  • Who were the explorers sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase?
    Lewis and Clark
  • What is impressment?
    the forced kidnapping of American sailors
  • What kind of interpretation of the Constitution did the Federalist Party have?
    loose interpretation
  • Who was known as the "Great Compromiser"?
    Henry Clay
  • What time period is characterized by nationalism and patriotism?
    Era of Good Feelings
  • What was the name of the treaty in which Britain agreed to remove its troops from the Northwest territory and America agreed to repay its debts to Britain?
    Jay's Treaty
  • The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions first introduced what idea?
    States rights
  • How did the U.S. acquire Florida?
    with the Adams-Onis Treaty signed with Spain for $5 million dollars
  • What compromise maintained the balance of power between free and slave states?
    Missouri Compromise of 1820
  • Who was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during which the power of the national government was increased?
    John Marshall
  • What impact did the Louisiana Purchase have on the U.S.?
    it doubled the size of the country
  • When war broke out between France and Great Britain, how did Washington respond?
    He maintained neutrality by issuing the Proclamation of Neutrality
  • What kind of national government did the Federalist Party want?
    A strong national government
  • What were some of the warnings that Washington gave the nation in his Farewell Address?
    stay away from political parties, avoid wars and European organizations, avoid permanent alliances
  • What law prohibited Americans from trading with all European nations?
    Embargo Act of 1807