
13 Colonies Era (Review)

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  • What was the Northwest Passage?
    An all water route to Asia by way of North America that explorers were in search of
  • What are the 5 Southern Colonies?
    Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia
  • Which colony was established as a place for Quakers? Who was the founder?
    Pennsylvania; William Penn
  • What are the 4 Middle Colonies?
    New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware
  • Who was the founder of Jamestown?
    John Smith
  • What are the 4 New England Colonies?
    New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island
  • What group of people in England wanted to "purify" the church of England?
  • Who was James Oglethorpe?
    The founder of Georgia
  • What colonial region grew cash crops such as tobacco, rice and indigo?
    Southern Colonies
  • What was the first written constitution in America?
    The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
  • In which colony was the settlement of Jamestown located in?
  • Which region of colonies is characterized by long winters, thin rocky soil. and an economy based on fishing and shipbuilding?
    New England colonies
  • What part of the triangular trade was the trade route that brought slaves to America?
    Middle Passage
  • What was the first example of a representative government in America?
    Virginia House of Burgesses
  • Which colony was settled by the Puritans and Separatists?
  • Who was Thomas Hooker?
    Founder of Connecticut and author of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
  • Which colonial region is characterized by a long growing season, fertile soil, and a warm climate?
    Southern Colonies
  • What colony was established as a refuge for Catholics?
  • What colony served as a buffer zone between Spanish Florida and the rest of the colonies?
  • What colony was established as a safe place for debtors?
  • Who was Jonathan Edwards?
    a leader of the Great Awakening and author of the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
  • What is the significance of 1607?
    Jamestown was established
  • Which cash crop saved the settlement of Jamestown?
  • What colonial region was known as the "breadbasket"
    Middle Colonies
  • What economic system characterized the southern colonies and was dependent on slave labor?
  • Who was the founder of Maryland?
    Lord Baltimore (Cecil Calvert)
  • What is the significance of the year 1620?
    the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth and wrote the Mayflower Compact
  • What are some of the reasons that European nations explored the new world?
    to expand their empires (glory), search of gold, spread faith (God)
  • Which colonial region was characterized by religious tolerance and a diverse population?
    Middle Colonies
  • Which English document created in 1215 limited the power of the king of England?
    Magna Carta
  • What is an indentured servant?
    People who made an agreement to work for 5-7 years to pay off their trip to North America
  • How did the First Great Awakening contribute to the growth of representative government?
    People began to see each other as equals, participated in government more
  • What is a Separatist?
    Someone who separated from the Church of England and immigrated to America for religious freedom
  • What factors contributed to the growth of representative governments in the 13 colonies?
    distance from England and a desire to have more local control in government
  • What is a charter?
    a document granting permission for settlement
  • What is a joint stock company?
    a group of people invest their money in order to make a profit
  • Which physical features served as a physical barrier to the westward expansion of the 13 colonies?
    Appalachian Mountains
  • Who was the founder of Rhode Island? What was the reason the colony was founded?
    Roger Williams; for religious freedom; he believed in the separation of church and state
  • What are town meetings?
    These were held in New England and they provided the colonists an opportunity to discuss issues and serve as an example of democracy
  • What is a representative government?
    A type of government in which people choose representatives to make laws and decisions on their behalf
  • Why were many colonial farms and cities established near waterways?
    it made it easier to transport and ship goods
  • What is subsistence farming?
    Growing crops in small amounts just to feed a family but not for large profit