
Little Red Riding Hood

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  • What are you feeling if feeling VEXATION?
    Annoyed, worried, frustrated
  • What is a synonym for SPECULATE?
  • What does SHROUD mean? When might a person SHROUD?
    When they are embarrased or scared... hiding from view.
  • What does SCARECELY mean?
    Barely or hardly, having very little of something
  • What is a CORPSE?
    A dead body
  • What does SCOWL mean?
    To be very angry
  • What does ENTICE mean?
    To get someone to do something, to persuade
  • What does WICKED mean? (Think of the wolf...)
    Bad, evil, (like the Wicked Witch of the West)
  • ASSUMING something... means what?
    To think about something logically... to guess.
  • How would you describe FRANTIC?
    Showing a lot of fear / crazy and anxious
  • GRAVE can have two meanings...
    A cemetery / graveyard... but also it means "sad"... :(
  • What does APPARANT mean?
    Something... obvious or implied or inferred...
  • What does MENACE mean / what is a MENACE?
    Something dangerous / a weapon of any kind / monsters / hard levels on video games
  • What does DEVOUR mean?
    To eat or consume quickly / make vanish
  • What does TRUDGE mean?
    To walk with heavy steps... stomping.
  • What does APPEASE mean?
    To satisfy something
  • What does BEAM mean?
    To smile brightly! :D
  • What does IGNITE mean?
    To start a fire or bring to life.
  • What does PUMMEL mean?
    To strike repeatedly; hit over and over like a punching bag.
  • What are the TWO things a LEAGUE can be?
    3 miles / special club
  • What does MONSTROUS mean?
    Frightening, or large and destructive
  • What does FEROCITY mean?
    To be fierce and violent
  • What are you doing if you LINGER?
    To hang around / stay
  • If you are finding the contrast of something, what are you looking for?
  • What does REVIVE mean?
    To bring back to life
  • Name 3 things that are FRAGILE!
    Mouse, vase, glass
  • What does GRAVELY mean?
    Being very serious or sad.