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  • ask your friend about his/her favourite social media ( 2 questions)
    do you have, what's your favourite, do you leave comments, etc
  • Say one sentence using AT, another with ON, and the last with IN
    ATONIN !!!!!
  • make 3 questions to a classmate about his/her parents using WH
    what does Adri's father, how old is Gabriel's mother, when does bernando's
  • Say a sentences about you using : tablet + camera, or cell phone + earphones, games + laptop
    My Tablet doesn't have a camera.
  • complete the sentence : Chico is and white cat.
  • Make 4 true sententes about your teacher.
    She likes, she loves, she hates, she doesn't like/hate, can't stand, is crazy about
  • say 3 NEGATIVE sentences about a friend/classmate/relative using MAKE/HAVE/WORK/STUDY/WATCH/GET UP/ PLAY
  • ask your partner about any technologic gadget ( 2 questions)
    do you have/like/know, why/what/where do you...
  • say 4 sentences using : app, camera, cellphone, earphones , games or laptop
    use, have, want, listen to music, text, call....
  • say 3 sentences about a friend/classmate/relative using MAKE/HAVE/WORK/STUDY/WATCHGETUP/ PLAY
  • name three things you do with you cellphone
    call, text, send, get, take, read, play, post, watch
  • Carol studies and works in ..... university.
  • What do you do with photos/pictures ? (3 verbs)
    take, post, like, leave a comment
  • can you say three different preferences you have, about music, food, movies, tv series
    I like, but carol doesn't, I love but Rafa doesn't
  • In a sentence , talk about things you want, have and like
    I want to travel abroad, and for that I have to save money because I like to plan my btrips....
  • Make your partner say: NO, I DON'T.
    Do you study Japanese ?
  • I live in ...... apartment (A-AN)
  • ASK 3 things to classmate using information questions (CAN'T USE "BE")
  • What Time does your English class start ?? Say in two forms .....
    AT 4:45 : a quarter to five or four forty-five
  • what time is it ? 12:15 (say in two forms)
    It´s twelve fifteen or a quarter past/after twelve (noon)
  • name 3 things you can do with a computer/laptop
    call, text, send, get, read, play, post, watch
  • Say three activities of your routine, with time
    I usually brush my teeth at midnight before I go to bed.
  • Fill the blank: My teacher ............cats.
    loves, likes, is crazy about
  • What time do people usually have lunch ??
    At noon .
  • make 3 sentences with 3 different verbs and adverbs, talking about your routine.
    never, usually, often, always, sometimes, rarely
  • Say the time: 5:20 in two forms
    five-twenty or twenty past/after five
  • Can you say 3 preferences you have in common with all you classmates?
    Gulherme and I like, Adri and I like, ....etc
  • Nurses work in ..... hospitals. (A / AN / NO article)
    no artivle - plural
  • what time does your English class finish ? Say in two forms
    At 6:15 : six fifteen or fifteen after/past six
  • what Time is it ? Say in two ways : 3:20
    three twenty, or twenty past/after three
  • use the expression : how/what about you...
    I like....., my name is...., Nick doesn't like....
  • I have sofa and I hate it (an/a/some/any)