
Cambridge English Adventure

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  • An other word for the antagonist is
    the villain
    a setting
    a genre
    the protagonist
  • the difference between opinion and fact
    opinion is a personal view about something, fact is a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred
  • Definition of adventure
    character goes on a journey, character has often special skills and face difficult challenges
  • a jackdaw is...
    a place in the mountains
    a dolphin
    a bird
    a furball
  • hobbling means
    walking unsteadily
  • predict means
    say what you think might happen in the future
  • a silhouette is
    the central idea in a literary work
    shadow or outline of an object against a brighter background
    the central character in a story
    the writer’s or speaker’s attitude toward a subject
  • hessian means
    a strong thick woven fabric
    a shadow or a outline of a person
    a person who comes from Hessen, Germany
    a singing style
  • Suspense is
    excitement felt by the reader as he or she becomes involved
    the writer’s or speaker’s attitude toward a subject.
    the way in which a piece of literature is written.
    person, object, idea, action that stands for something else
  • A narrator is...
    the main character
    the antagonist
    the hero
    the person telling the story
  • a symbol is
    the writer’s or speaker’s attitude toward a subject.
    a person, object, idea that stands for something else
    the way in which a piece of literature is written.
  • nostrils means
    two external openings in the nose
    fish in the Mediterranean Sea
    it's a type of a dinosaur
  • Definition of non-fiction...
    writing that is about real events and facts
  • What is an anecdote?
    a short personal and entertaining story that is usually spoken
  • a genre is...
    a particular type of text (e.g. adventure, comedy, crime, science fiction)
  • Onomatopoeia is
    the plan of action or sequence of events of the story.
    the time and place in which the action of a story occurs
    A word that sounds like what it represents, buzz, or cuckoo,
    : the central character in a story
  • a plot is...
    the plan of action or sequence of events of the story.
    the point of view from which a story is told
    the time and place in which the action of a story occurs
    a statement or situation containing obvious contradictions
  • a monologue is
    a story or speech given by one character
  • slunk means
    moved away smoothly and quickly
    moved away smoothly and quietly
    moved away quickly and quietly
    moved away loud and fast
  • a setting is
    the time and place in which the action of a story occurs (where and when)
  • Theme is
    the central idea in a literary work.
    the writer’s or speaker’s attitude toward a subject.
    the way in which a piece of literature is written.
    the feeling, or atmosphere, that a writer creates for the re
  • fierce means
    strong, exhausted
    small and happy
    strong, angry
  • Cacophony means
    a mix of loud, often unpleasant sounds
  • hessian means
    a strong thick woven fabric
    a singing style
    a shadow or a outline of a person
    a person who comes from Hessen, Germany