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  • Name the painting and artist.
    School of Athens/Raphael
  • What two 'reforms' come from the Council of Trent for the Catholic Church?
    1. Train new clergy 2. no more indulgences sold
  • Define simony.
    Selling of positions within the church with no regard for merit.
  • Define indulgences.
    Tickets to heaven sold by the Roman Catholic Church
  • Name 3 pieces of art by Michelangelo
    Statue of Moses, Statue of David, La Pieta, Last Judgement, Creation of Adam
  • Define predestination.
    Your destination in the afterlife has been chosen prior to ones' birth
  • What invention allowed ideas of the Reformation to spread quickly?
    Gutenberg Printing Press
  • What is the Counter Reformation?
    The Roman Catholic Church's reaction to Protestants
  • Name the work of art and the artist.
    Statue of Moses/Michelangelo
  • In what city does the Renaissance begin?
    Florence, Italy
  • Who wrote the 95 Theses?
    Martin Luther
  • Who was the first scientist to understand the heliocentric theory as fact?
  • Name the artist and name of the painting.
    Leonardo da Vince/Mona Lisa
  • What book was printed first on the printing press?
    The Bible
  • Name two plays written by Shakespeare.
    Hamlet/Romeo & Juliet/Midsummer Night's Dream/Macbeth
  • Name two characteristics that were revived during the Renaissance:
    Education and Greco-Roman culture
  • Describe the importance of the Gutenberg Printing Press on church authority.
    Allowed more people to read and think for themselves, causing them to question the Church
  • Protestants were speaking out against what entity?
    The Roman Catholic Church
  • Define nepotism.
    Giving jobs to family and friends without basing on merit
  • Who believed in salvation through faith alone?
    Martin Luther
  • Name 4 reasons that many saw the Roman Catholic Church as corrupt.
    Nepotism, Simony, 10% tithe, indulgences, Pope had too much power
  • Who were the two daughters of King Henry VIII?
    "Bloody" Mary/Queen Elizabeth I
  • Name the artist and name of the painting.
    Leonardo da Vince/Last Supper
  • Johannes Kepler is famous for his understanding of:
    Planetary Motion
  • Define heresy.
    Anyone going against the Roman Catholic Church
  • Who were the four main artists of the Renaissance? (Think TMNT)
    Michelangelo, Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael
  • The Renaissance focuses on the term 'humanism', what does that term mean?
    Focus on humans and life on Earth
  • Who was at war during the Thirty Years War?
    Protestant vs. Catholics
  • What is the purpose of the 95 Theses?
    List of 95 complaints/grievances against the Roman Catholic Church
  • Name the work of art and the artist.
    Statue of David/Michelangelo
  • Who was/is the head of Roman Catholic Church?
    The Pope
  • Who are Protestants?
    Those who protested the Roman Catholic Church
  • Which writer is from England and ushered in the end of the Renaissance?
    William Shakespeare
  • What is the name of this painting AND the artist?
    Creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo
  • Name the work of art.
    Birth of Venus
  • Which protestant started the Anglican faith through their creation of the Church of England?
    King Henry VIII
  • Name the painting AND the artist.
    Last Judgement & Michelangelo
  • Which scientist proved the heliocentric theory correct with the telescope?
  • Describe geocentric theory.
    Earth-centered universe
  • Who developed the Scientific Method?
    Francis Bacon
  • What phrase describes Machiavelli's outlook on governing?
    End justifies the means
  • What two words are most important and descriptive from the phrase Protestant Reformation?
    Protest and Reform
  • Name the statue and artist.
    La Pieta/Michelangelo
  • What was the purpose of the Roman Catholic Church's Inquisition.
    Prosecute those who went against the Church
  • Modern nation states, set boundaries, reduced church power are results from:
    Peace of Westphalia
  • Predestination was a belief of which reformist?
    John Calvin
  • Which scientist was the first to understand the heart's function?
    William Harvey
  • Who wrote "The Prince"?
  • What does the word "renaissance" mean?
  • Why did King Henry VIII wish to break from the Roman Catholic Church?
    He wanted a divorce
  • What was the nickname of Leonardo da Vince AND why?
    "Renaissance Man"/he had various talents (sculpting, painting, architecture, invention, science, etc.)
  • Which scientist was the first to understand gravity?
    Isaac Newton
  • Describe the heliocentric theory.
    Sun-centered universe