
Discussion. Filter Bubbles

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  • online reliable do information How you find ?
    How do you find reliable information online?
  • and people ideas Why to themselves do decide to close off new concepts ?
    Why do people decide to close themselves off to new ideas and concepts?
  • to us force what Can curating corporations serve we stop they us ?
    Can we force corporations to stop curating what they serve us?
  • links bookmark What that so you do easily you them can find again?
    What links do you bookmark so that you can easily find them again?
  • browsing Google When results search, / scroll you do to down page the of bottom the ?
    When browsing Google search results, do you scroll down to the bottom of the page?
  • often google you type of What information do most ?
    What type of information do you google most often?
  • you algorithms information is about How fact do by feel the get that you online curated ?
    How do you feel about the fact that information you get online is curated by algorithms?
  • is zone out it Why to comfort difficult step our zone ?
    Why is it difficult to step out of our comfort zone?
  • social do you How your posts read often media news on ?
    How often do you read news posts on your social media?
  • us other assumptions How people to our can help challenge ?
    How can other people help us to challenge our assumptions?