
CORONAVIRUS - Gone viral part I

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  • The Spanish flu, ___________ (deadly superlative) pandemic in history, is said to ________________ (kill present perfect) over ____________ people.
    the deadliest/have killed/50Million
  • Scientists are doing ___________ to understand the virus more.
  • Which three types of shop are still open?
    Tobacconist's / Chemist's / Supermarkets (food stores)
  • A person who is admitted to hospital is called a _____________.
  • The virus first appeared in which Chinese city?
  • When a virus spreads from one person to many and from each of those people to many others it is called ___ _____________.
    an epidemic
  • The UK, along with many other countries, has gone into ___________________.
  • The schools are closed, so students are ___________ learning at home.
  • Diving masks have been ______________ into ventilator masks.
  • When something affects a whole country or entire world it is called a ____________.
  • A ventilator is the machine used to help a person ___________ more oxygen.
  • Residents ____________ (synonym of cheer/clap) the medical workers at 8pm every night from their ____________ and _______________.
    applaud / windows / balconies.
  • Some people don't get very sick and develop antibodies which __________ the virus.
  • In which big-eared animal do scientists believe the virus originated?
    A bat.
  • Some people who are overseas have been ____________ and are waiting for flights to return home.
  • The red cross recommend that you wash your hands for a minimum of ____________ seconds.
  • How sick people get and whether they survive depends on many factors. What are the three main factors?
    Age, pre-existing conditions, and sex (whether you are male or female).
  • It is believed that the outbreak began at a ______________.
  • Classrooms all over the world are ____________.
  • Name the three main symptoms associated with the virus.
    a fever / a dry cough / difficulty breathing
  • Social distancing involves maintaining a ___________ _____________ of 2 meters from another person.
    minimum distance
  • People are staying in _________ via video conferencing applications.
  • What endangered animal is associated with the transfer of the virus from wildlife to humans?
    A pangolin.
  • Scientists are trying to develop a _______________ to give people immunity.