
Gothic art and culture

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  • The faces of Gothic sculptures did not express feelings. True or false?
  • School controlled by bishops:
    episcopal school.
  • Independent groups of teachers and students free from the control of religious or municipal authorities: .
  • What are vernacular languages?
    Native languages from each country.
  • The theme of Gothic sculpture was essentially secular (statues of kings and nobles), but some statues of religious figures (God, apostles, Virgin Mary, etc.) were also created. True or false?
  • Why were episcopal and urban schools created?
    To meet the people's desire to be educated.
  • Triangular decorative wall surface over an entrance.
  • Dome formed by the intersection of two pointed arches that were supported by four support columns.
    ribbed vaulting
  • Gothic painting was displayed only on the walls of churches and palaces. True or false?
  • Geometry, arithmetic, music and astronomy: .
  • The first universities were founded in the middle of the Middle Ages. True or false?
  • Native language from each country:
    vernacular language.
  • The Gothic artistic style emerged in the 13th century. True or false?
  • School controlled by the municipal authority:
    urban school.
  • Window made up of coloured glass pieces that create a pattern or picture.
    stained glass window
  • The technique that gives sculpted figures movement by tilting bodies and heads is called the S curve. True or false?
  • Ornamental moulding or band following the curve on the underside of an arch.
  • Religious order created to address the problems of poverty and social conflict in the new urban society: .
  • What were universities?
    Independent groups of teachers and students who wanted to teach and learn freely.
  • What new religious needs were created in the 13th century?
    Answer the questions asked by people who were literate and educated and offer help to poor and disadvantaged people in the cities.
  • The shape of sculpted bodies appeared less rigid when interacting with other sculptures, and could be used as parts of different scenes and narratives. True or false?
  • Gothic sculpture was completely dependent on architecture. True or false?
  • Pyramidal or conical ornament on top of a buttress that gave the church a greater sense of height.
  • Gothic sculpture was present in the decoration on façades and in cloisters. Freestanding sculptures with religious themes and portraits of kings and nobles became more common. True or false?
  • What did the growth and rise of cities in the 12th century lead to?
    A desire among the wealthiest nobles to be more educated.
  • Decoration in the form of arrows.
  • Circular window with a decorative pattern.
    rose window
  • Outer arch leading away from the building that supports the weight of the building.
    flying buttress
  • Gothic churches were taller and narrower than Romanesque churches. True or false?
  • Look at the picture of a Gothic cathedral and identify the name of at least 5 different architectural features:
    1tower 2pointed arch 3ribbed vaulting 4flying buttress 5pinnacle 6entrance 7central nave 8side nave 9stained glass windows 10column 11rose window 12side door
  • Among which social group was the increase in education the greatest?
    The bourgeoisie.
  • The growth of cities brought a cultural renaissance to the Middle Ages and education ceased to be the exclusive domain of the Church. True or false?
  • Who studied in universities?
    The wealthy.
  • Gothic sculpture moved away from the hieratic and rigid Romanesque style and developed more realistic features. True or false?
  • Grammar, rhetoric and logic: .
  • Decorative column in the center of an arch, forming divisions in a window or door.
  • The trivium and the quadrivium:
    classical wisdom .
  • Arch made up of two arc sections forming a point at the apex.
    pointed arch
  • Religious order dedicated to religious teaching with the aim of maintaining piety among the urban population: .
  • Vertical structure built against a wall to strengthen or support it.