
How do/does ... ?

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  • ring? / How does / the telephone         (loudly)
    How does the telephone ring? The telephone rings loudly.
  • outside? / How does / it rain            (heavily)
    How does it rain outside? It rains outside heavily.
  • swim? / she / How does     (slowly)
    How does she swim? She swims slowly.
  • to school? / they walk / How do    (slowly)
    How do they walk to school? They walk to school slowly.
  • her question? / he answer / How does       (coldly)
    How does he answer her question? He answers her question coldly.
  • eat pizza? / Boo / How does      (hungrily)
    How does Boo eat pizza? Boo eats pizza hungrily.
  • grow? / How does / the flower       (beautifully)
    How does the flower grow? The flower grows beautifully.
  • shine? / How does / the sun         (brightly)
    How does the sun shine? The sun shines brightly.
  • write test? / the class / How does       (nervously)
    How does the class write tests? The class writes tests nervously.
  • read books? / you / How do      (quickly)
    How do you read books?  You read books quickly.
  • in the library? / she speak / How  does     (quietly)
    How does she speak in the library?  She speaks in the library quietly.
  • the street? / they cross / How do    (carefully)
    How do they cross the street? They cross the street carefully.
  • wake up? / they / How do    (early)
    How do they wake up? They wake up early.
  • watermelon juice? / Peggy drink / How does   (thirstily)
    How does Peggy drink watermelon juice? Peggy drinks watermelon juice thirstily.
  • questions? / Pug answer / How does         (badly)
    How does Pug answer questions? Pug answers questions badly.
  • run? / the dog / How does   (quickly)
    How does the dog run? The dog runs quickly.
  • learn English? / students / How do      (quickly)
    How do students learn English? Students learn English quickly.
  • English? / How do/ I speak    (well)
    How do I speak English? I speak English well.
  • sing songs? / Boo / How does   (badly)
    How does Boo sing songs? Bill sings songs badly.
  • bark? / How does / the dog           (angrily)
    How does the dog bark? The dog barks angrily.