
How Much...? (9 - 11)

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • Dolphins
    No, there aren't any dolphins in the sea.
  • People
    No, there aren't any people on the bus.
  • Pens
    No, there aren't any pens on the desk.
  • Classroom
    Yes, there are some apples in the classroom.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some flowers in the vase.
  • Children
    No, there aren't any children in the classroom.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some children in the classroom.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some cars on the road.
  • Cars
    No, there aren't any cars on the road.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some cookies on the plate.
  • Balloons
    No, there aren't any balloons in the sky.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some cars on the road.
  • Flowers
    No, there aren't any flowers in the vase.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some people on the bus.
  • Cookies
    No, there aren't any cookies on the desk.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some cookies on the plate.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some balloons in the sky.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some dolphins in the sea.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some flowers in the vase.
  • Are there...?
    Yes, there are some pens on the desk.