
Layers of the Earth

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  • What layer are we standing on?
  • What causes earthquakes?
    movement of the tectonic plates
  • Is the North American tectonic plate moving closer to or farther from the European techtonic plate?
    Farther away
  • What is the inner core made of?
    Nickle and iron
  • What happens to the rocks in the bottom of the mantle?
    They melt.
  • What part of the mantle is hotter, top or bottom?
  • What is the thickest layer of the earth?
  • What is the layer at the center of the earth called?
    inner core
  • What is a geologist?
    A person who studies the earth.
  • What layer of the earth is always moving like putty?
    The mantle
  • Name the four layers of the earth.
    crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core
  • How thick is the crust under the oceans?
    About 3 miles
  • What special tools do geologists use to study the parts of the earth?
    hammers, picks, shovels, computers, microscopes
  • Why can't you see the Earth's crust?
    In most places the crust is hidden. It may be covered with grass, cornfields, forests, oceans, lakes, or streams.
  • What layer is made up of granite and basalt?
  • How thick is the mantle?
    About 1,800 miles (2,900 km)
  • What is the thinnest layer of the earth?
  • How are the Earth's layers like an egg?
    They both have three layers - crust/shell, mantle/egg white, core/yoke
  • What is the hottest part of the earth?
    The inner core
  • Is the core as hot as lava?
  • Where is it possible for rocks to melt?
    The mantle
  • What is the melted rock inside the earth called?