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  • The office workers _______ (just look at things without buying) on their lunch hour, looking for things to buy when they get paid.
    go window-shopping
  • When you know what you're doing, it's _________ (very easy).
    a piece of cake
  • I am ___________ (not decided) whether or not to go to the party tonight.
    in two minds about
  • You really ______________ (be correct, accurate) with that answer—good job.
    hit the nail on the head
  • I __________(have no time left) before I could finish the test.
    ran out of time
  • You have a lot of friends from the past - you're really a ________ (with a lot of secrets).
    dark horse
  • Opera is not ___________ (something you don't like).
    my cup of tea.
  • We'll have to ______________ (work in very limited amount of time) to finish our presentation in time ,but I think we'll be able to get it done.
    work against the clock
  • In many of my trips I was accompanied by people ___________ (important).
    close to my heart
  • Ask Becky to recite the poem—she _______ ( memorize something) .
    learned it by heart
  • I tried _________ (relax the akwardness) with a joke, but it didn't help.
    breaking the ice
  • It is only with friends that most people feel they can ________ (relax) and be themselves.
    let their hair down
  • Cathy was tired of the _______ (fierce competition) and knew she needed to get a less stressful job.
    rat race
  • __________ ( let's be honest) , Hannah, you never wanted to go on this trip.
    Let's face it
  • Janice is ___________ (in trouble) for being late.
    in hot water
  • I hate lugging around a big suitcase, so I always try to _________ .
    travel light
  • Sure, I can _________ (watch someone) the baby while you go to the store.
    keep an eye on
  • I hope that someone will _________ (help me) with these bags, they're so heavy.
    give me a hand
  • Oh man, I ____________ (say something tacktless) I just congratulated Sarah on being pregnant. She isn't.
    put my foot in it