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  • What is surface water?
    Water found in strems, lakes and rivers.
  • What sports can you play in this place?
    Your own answers
  • What sport can you play in this place?
    You own answers
  • Is there more salty seawater or fresh water?
    salty seawater
  • What is underground water? Where does it come from?
    It is under the ground. Water falls on the land and filters through the ground to underground deposits, which are like rivers undergound.
  • Where can we find drinking water?
    On land. You can find surface water and underground water.
  • What are glaciers?
    Rivers of ice
  • What is the difference between seawater and fresh water?
    Your answers!
  • Can everybody in the world get drinking water easily? Why not?
    In some places, there is very little water and water is not safe to drink because it is dirty, or it has chemicals on it.
  • What is "drinking water"?
    Water that is safe to drink.
  • Who needs water to live?
    All living things: people, land animals , land plants.
  • Why is the water from the seas and the oceans salty?
    Because of the volcanoes under the sea and mostly because the salt has dissolved from rocks on the land.
  • Can people drink sea water? Why ? Why not?
    No!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because it is salty.