
Grade 11 Demo

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  • Who should I RSVP to? How will I contact them?
    Please RSVP to Mel's parents, John and Wendy Baker, by email.
  • Where is it?
    The wedding is at St John's Church... After the wedding the reception(after wedding party) will be at the Duke Hotel.
  • Is there a phone number or email address?
    Yes, you can email Mel's parents, John and Wendy Baker:
  • What's the occasion?
    It's Mel and Luke's wedding.
  • What's the date of the event? / When will the event be held?
    It's on the 21st of December 2016 / It will be held on the 21st of December 2016
  • What shall I bring?
    You don't need to bring anything.
  • Can I take my friend?
    Yes, you can take a partner. / Yes, you can bring a plus-one.
  • What time does it start?
    One thirty in the afternoon.