
Amazing Science Facts

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  • This is the quality of an object that allows it to float on water. a. buoyancy b. gravity
  • The human brain takes 11 million bits of information every second but is only aware of a few. How many is it? a. 40 b. 100
    a. 40
  • How heavy the middle-sized cumulus clouds are? a. 80 blue whales b. 80 elephants
    b. 80 elephants
  • This measurement – approximately six feet – is used to measure the depth of water. What is it? a. Fathom measurement b. Depth finder
    a. Fathom measurement
  • Discovered by Alexander Fleming, this is now used to treat infections and is considered one of the most important discoveries in the field of medical science. What is it? a. Penicillin b. Amoxicillin
    a. Penicillin
  • What is considered the highest mountain in Africa? a. Mount Kilimanjaro b. Mount Kenya
    a. Mount Kilimanjaro
  • True or false: your hair and your nails are made from the same material.
  • What are the only two egg-laying mammals in existence in the world today? a. sea cow and platypus b. Echidna and Platypus
    b. Echidna and Platypus
  • This term is commonly used today to refer to errors with computer systems. It was first coined when a moth was trapped in an early model of the personal computer, causing it to crash. What is this word? a. bug b. virus
    a. bug
  • If you drilled a tunnel straight through the Earth and jumped in. How long would it exactly take you to get to the other side? a. 1 hour, 24 minutes, and 5 seconds b. 42 minutes and 12 seconds
    b. 42 minutes and 12 seconds
  • How many times does human skin replaces itself in a lifetime? a. 900 times b. 700 times
    a. 900 times
  • From what tree do acorns come from? a. maple trees b. oak trees
    b. oak trees
  • The man who proposed that the sun is at the center of our solar system, instead of the Earth. Who was he? a. Copernicus b. Ptolemy
    a. Copernicus
  • How many hours it would take, if you drive your car to space? a. 1 day b. 1 hour
    b. 1 hour
  • This Greek physician was the first to keep records of his patients’ histories. a. Socrates b. Hippocrates
    b. Hippocrates
  • How many elements are there in the periodic table? a.118 b. 121