
I2B ielts talk 4

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  • What was the worst day of your life?
  • Who was the most interesting person you ever met?
  • What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
  • What was the nicest present anyone ever gave you?
  • Describe a memorable journey you took?
  • What was the best place you ever went to?
  • What was the happiest day of your life?
  • What was the best bargain you ever got?
  • Speak for 1 minute - any story
  • What is the strangest coincidence that ever happened to you?
  • What was your strangest dream?
  • When you were young who did you admire most and why?
  • What is your earliest memory?
  • What was the strangest food you ever had?
  • What was the biggest surprise of your life?