
Vanishing Cream ORT

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  • How did the man come into the house?
    He climbed through the window.
  • What did they take back with them?
    A small bottle of vanishing cream.
  • Did the wizard want them to come again?
  • How did the wizard feel when they told him what happened and gave back the disks?
  • What are they making?
    A little theatre
  • What happened when Biff was in her room?
    The key began to glow.
  • Did Wizard Blot's spell go right or wrong?
  • What did the kitchen look like?
    A big mess
  • What did Biff and Chip do in the living room?
    iron and vacuum
  • What was the play about?
    It was about a wizard.
  • What did Biff drop?
    A bottle of vanishing cream.
  • Where did the magic take them?
    Into the little house.
  • What happened to Biff's face?
    It vanished
  • What did the man think he was being attacked by?