
Customs around the world - True or False?

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  • In a small community in Spain, men dress as ghosts and jump over babies to keep evil at bay.
    FALSE. Actually, men dress as the devil.
  • In the Tanomani tribe, when a person dies, his or her corpse is burned. The ashes are added to a soup which people attending the funeral will drink.
    TRUE.They believe that this pleases the dead soul as it finds a resting place in their loved ones' bodies.
  • After getting married in Northern Borne, the couple is banned from using a bathroom for three days.
    TRUE. It is believed this custom leads to a happy married life.
  • In Thailand, there's an annual festival which involves preparing a buffet for monkeys that live nearby.
    TRUE. Over 3,000 kg of fruits and vegetables are fed to monkeys on this festival.
  • In Turkey, many people gather together to watch two male camels fight.
    TRUE. It is said that the animals don't hurt each other, but spectators are advised to stay away from them during the fight.
  • In the Sataré Mawé, a native Brazilian tribe, it's the custom for young boys to prove their courage by placing their hands inside a basket full of angry bullet ants.
    TRUE. The bites are a real pain.
  • In Germany, before getting married, couples have a small get-together with family and friends. During this party, the soon-to-be bride and groom break everything in the room, except glasses. The guests are then expected to clean up the mess
    FALSE. Actually, it's the other way around. Guests break stuff and the couple cleans it up. This teaches them the importance of being united.
  • In Venezuela, you're expected to arrive late at social events.
    TRUE. It's considered rude to arrive early or on time.
  • In Greece, it's the custom for people to throw baby's teeth on their roof.
  • In Fiji, brides are expected to laugh and be happy all the time for one month before they get married.
    FALSE. Actually, they are expected to cry during the month before their wedding.
  • In Egypt, when you're invited for a dinner, people will get offended if you ask for more pepper on your food.
    FALSE. In Egypt, asking for salt is considered offensive because it's equivalent to insulting the host's food.
  • In South Korea, people are not expected to write names using green ink, as this is believed to bring bad luck.
    FALSE. Actually, people are not expected to use red ink to write names because, in the past, this hue was used to write down names of dead people.