
Science Trivia

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  • What do you count on a tree to tell how old it is? A. It's stem B. It’s rings
    B. It’s rings
  • Mycology is the scientific study of what? A. Mucus B. Fungi
    B. Fungi
  • What layer of the Earth is right below the crust? A. Mantle B. Core
    A. Mantle
  • What part of the brain controls hunger? A. Hypothalamus B. Brain stem
    A. Hypothalamus
  • According to Apollo astronauts, the Moon smells like what? A. Burnt gunpowder B. Sulfur
    A. Burnt gunpowder
  • Oncology focuses on what disease? A. Cancer B. Osteoporosis
    A. Cancer
  • What is a Geiger Counter used to measure? A. Storm B. Radiation
    B. Radiation
  • What color catches the eye first? A. Yellow B. Red
    A. Yellow
  • What is the symbol of the element silver? A. Ag B. Au
    A. Ag
  • The first vaccine was for which disease? A. Smallpox B. Chickenpox
    A. Smallpox
  • What is the galaxy closest in light-years to the Milky Way Galaxy? A. Whirlpool B. Andromeda
    B. Andromeda
  • Which moon of Saturn has a methane cycle? A. Titan B. Mimas
    A. Titan
  • How many chambers make up the human heart? A. Four B. Two
    A. Four
  • What is the calm center part of a hurricane called? A. Center B. Eye
    B. Eye
  • What element is a diamond composed of? A. Carbon B. Copper
    A. Carbon
  • What is the study of plant life called? A. Biology B. Botany
    B. Botany