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  • How did people organise themselves during the Paleolithic?
    In tribes
  • What was the most important portable art they made?
    Small female statues called 'Venus'
  • Surplus products were traded without money. This is called...
  • What is the opposable thumb?
    The ability to press the thumb against the ohter fingers
  • All the current human beings are Homo...
    Sapiens Sapiens
  • A very important new need was...
  • During the Paleolithic people were hunter-gatherers. This means that they were...
  • In order to trade, which three inventions were very important?
    The wheel, sailboats and maps
  • Hominisation began with the first bipedal species in...
    East Africa
  • Prehistory is divided in...
    Paleolithic, Neolithic and Metal Ages
  • The most important megalithic monuments were...
    Menhir, dolmens and cromlech
  • Heating metals in order to shape them into different kinds of tools is called...
  • The Neolithic started in...
    the near East or Fertile Crescent
  • Prehistory began with the appareance of the first...
    human beings
  • What made the position of women weaker during the Metal Ages and why?
    War, because only men fought. Taking control of the decision making away from women
  • Religion appeared when humans tried to find explanation...
    for some phenomena they didn't understand
  • Bronze is the result of an alloy of...
    copper and tin
  • The Neolithic started when people learnt to...
    cultivate the land and domesticate animals
  • During the Neolithic people stopped being predators and became...
    food producers
  • As food producers they became sedentary, living in...
  • The most important cave paintings are in...
    Altamira, Spain
  • The very first hominid was the...
  • What is bipedalism?
    The upright position