
Job Interview

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  • What’s your greatest weakness?
    Make it about something that doesn’t particularly matter to the job, describe an area where you’ve improved (explain how)
  • Do you have any questions?
    This is your chance to really stand out–so don’t blow it by saying you don’t, or that your questions have already been answered.
  • Tell me about something on your resume.
    Consider answering with a skill or achievement you’ve listed or a specific place you worked.
  • Why should we hire you?
    Keep in mind that the recruiter is looking to hear what skills you have that you’re going to bring to the team. Be specific, summarize.
  • What do you expect out of your team/co-workers?
    This question is meant to understand how you work on a team and whether you will be the right cultural fit for the company.
  • Why are you looking for a job? Or, why are you looking for a different job?
    Think about why you are looking for a job: did you just graduate and this will be your first real job? Are you switching career paths? Are you leaving a current
  • What is your dream job?
    Try to set aside your personal goals and focus on your career goals.
  • How did you hear about this job?
    When asked this during an interview, don’t just say you heard about the job on a website.
  • Tell me about yourself? (What do you do? What distinguishes you? What are your goals?)
    Elevator Pitch (is a short speech, between 30sec-2min, or the length of a typical elevator ride, that gives the listener a lasting impression)
  • What are your salary requirements?
    You want to make sure you would be paid a fair wage for the value you are going to add to the company.
  • Tell me about a conflict you faced at work and how you dealt with it.
    Interviewer wants to understand how you deal with conflict so try to end it with a happy note about how you reached a resolution/compromise with your co-worker.
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
    They ask this question to find out if you set realistic goals, are ambitious, and to confirm that the position you are interviewing for aligns with the company.
  • What do you expect from your manager?
    Answer this question as honestly as possible and pull examples from your current manager if you can show how they positively help you work better.
  • What would the first 30 days in this position look like for you?
    Mention what information you'd need to get started and what would help you transition into the new role. Then focus on your best skills and how you'd apply them
  • How do you deal with stress?
    Show that you can handle stress in a professional and positive manner that helps you continue working or won’t stop you from accomplishing your goals.
  • Why do you want to work for [insert company name]?
    not only do they want to know why you want to work for them, but they also want to know what you know about the company.