
Rocks and Fossils

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  • What is the second lowest soil layer called?
  • What is the second highest soil layer called?
    Top soil
  • Why do Paleontologists wet their fossils?
    To bring out the details
  • What was this fossil created in
  • What is a voilent and sudden force that brings changes to the land?
  • If you find a dolphin fossil in a desert, what can that tell you?
    The desert used to be ocean
  • What are the three main types of rocks that we learned about in class?
    Metamorphic, sedimentary, igneous
  • How can weather affect homes by the shore
    Loose soil and rocks can cause erosion and damage
  • What was this fossil created in?
  • What type of rock is this
  • What type of rock is this?
  • What helped shape the land of Michigan?
  • What is magma?
    Molten Rock
  • What changes the earth's surface?
    Water, wind, volcanos
  • What are rocks made out of?
  • What is soil made out of?
    Living and non-living things
  • What is the top soil layer called?
  • What type of rock is this?
  • What types of things become fossils?
    Bones, plants, animals
  • Why do rocks in beaches have smooth edges?
    Moving water tumbles rocks against each other Sharp edges get eroded away
  • Are the top rocks older or are the bottom rocks older?
    Bottom rocks are the oldest
  • What do fossils tell us about earth?
    The history of life on Earth
  • What was this fossil created in?
    A glacier
  • What is his job?
  • What are the three places you may find fossils?
    Glaciers, rocks, sticky resin
  • What do we call a person who studies fossils?
  • Erosion changes the shape of natural features. Give some examples of these natural features
    Rocks, mountains, hills